What To Do When You Have A Hard Time Getting Started

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I’m feeling totally pumped today because there are some pretty exciting things going on with LIO right now.

I’m knee-deep into a few projects and I feel more energized than I have in months.

You may have joined me on Facebook for my series of 30 second organizing videos, you might have heard about my life management workshop coming out in September (that I’m ridiculously excited about), and in less than a week I’ll be introducing a “7-day decluttering” workshop.

So I’m telling you this because for a while I was in a bit of a slump. Okay, a big slump.

Had all these great ideas of things I wanted to be doing, but it never seemed like the right time. Or seemed like too much effort. Or most of the time, I was really afraid that no one would like what I was creating or I’d fail.

Yes, a total slump.

And then I discovered the amazing Kat Loterzo (www.katloterzo.com). There was one common theme in her best-selling books and inspirational blogs about living your dreams and pursuing your passion. JUST GET STARTED.

And so I did.

I’ve been thinking about some kind of Facebook thing forever but couldn’t really figure out what. And then on Sunday I had the 30-day video idea. So before I could change my mind, get scared or make excuses, I did just what Kat said…I started it.

I also have been thinking about the decluttering workshop for months. So I got started on that too.

And everyone might not love everything I do – but getting started feels AMAZING.

The more I start, the more I want to do, create and start more.

So that brings me to today’s topic about getting started – FOR YOU. Specifically on an organization or simplification project that shuts you down or crushes you.

Trust me, I know it can feel overwhelming.

I know it can be scary.

I know you’ll have thoughts like “this won’t work” or “I’ll do it wrong” or “I’ll never get through this.”

But guess what?

Once you get started, those thoughts take a back seat to new ones like: “So what if this isn’t perfect?” or “Who cares what it ends up looking like – it will be a lot better than it was” or “Yes, I’m FINALLY doing this!”

So I really hope today’s vid inspires you to get over the worry, the fear and the endless over-thinking (what I call “analysis paralysis”) and just GET STARTED.

And I’d love to cheer you on on a project you’re going to get started on ASAP. So please let me know about it in the comments below.

Wishing you tons of success and happiness,



I homeschool so I’ve been meaning to use this summer to do a good decluttering of my whole house. Yep, the whole house. So, guess what? None of it has happened. Good reminder to start small. Just something. Anything.


Yes – anything!! One little tiny space will feel SOOO good. Then use that momentum to work on another…little space…and so on. And before you know it, a bunch of little spaces add up to one big space! 🙂 Good luck with Angel! xo, mridu

debbie bell

Hey Mridu, my problem is my health. My intentions are good my stamina not so much. I guess I should try small steps in order to finish this time


Hey Debbie. Thanks for sharing this personal part of you. And I couldn’t agree more. Small “baby steps” add up over time to eventually lead to some pretty big milestones. I know you can do it! xoxo, mridu


Hi Mridu, good video where you helped re-enforce some key guidelines I use: Focus on what you are keeping !!! NOT on
what you are “tossing”. It makes the “tossing” so much easier.

And the “take out everything” guideline. helps so much. Take it all out, clean the space, then put back only what you

How do you keep coming up with these great Creative videos!! Love them and you.

Mridu Parikh

Quay, you really make my day. 🙂 I’ll admit – sometimes I’m thinking: “what am I going to talk about this week?!” — and then honestly, I get a wonderful comment from someone like you — and somehow…I get another idea! 😉

I’m so happy this reinforcement was helpful to you. I know I could stand to hear a lot of things over and over! 🙂 xoxo, mridu

J Ann

My aunt taught me this little mind game to play. I tell myself that I only have to spend 5 minutes on the task. I find that once started it is quite easy to keep going, or continue later because I’ve made some progress. Also, decide on “rewards” for doing unpleasant tasks…such as if I clean the refridgerator, then I will watch a favorite show afterwards, etc. Again, once started, the momentum often keeps going and I get much more done than planned.

Mridu Parikh

Those are two really awesome motivational strategies. Thanks so much for sharing! I love “rewarding” myself – even if it’s as small as a grabbing a cup of coffee when I finish a few minutes of a task. 🙂 Thanks again J! xo, mridu

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