Prevent Clutter Build Up With This Quick Tip

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My closets are perfectly organized.

I never have paper piles.

My house is always tidy.

Best part is my kids are over-the-top clean and haaaaate leaving their things out.

Gimme a minute, please.

I’ve got to pull myself out o hysterics, smack myself out of fantasy land and wake up to the reality of my life. My hectic schedule, juggling a family of four and procrastinating stuff I don’t like to do.

So in case you’ve believed these organization myths about me, I’m here to tell you – I’m just like you.

I too, struggle with piles, boxes, clutter….and my boys stuff? Don’t even get me started.

Check out today’s video for another myth that has to do with me and getting organized.

And when you’re done watching, here’s what I’d loooove to know from you. Do you bring things into your home on impulse….or after a well thought out plan? And be honest sweetie. There’s no judgment here.

I was much more of an impule buyer, but as I’ve been focusing on simplifying, that habit is changing.

But it doesn’t mean I don’t fall into the trap from time-to-time. Big ‘ole sales or shopping with my extravagant girlfriends can make me buy things I totally regret later.

What about you? Join the conversation below and let me know sweet friend.

To bringing in only what we need, use or love!



My pleasure Carole! Thank YOU for staying connected. 🙂 Good luck to you! xo, mridu

Janet M

Nightmarish memories of past cluttered rooms and garages keep me from buying too much now. I don’t care to revisit those times. Thanks Mridu – for bringing up impulse buying as another way to stop clutter.

Mary Louise

I am a impulse buyer, I have so many shoes and soooo!!many blouses ..I shop in store and online. I need to throw my computer in the trash. Ha Ha

Sherie Black

I’ve always pretty much been an impulse shopper collecting clutter. But as I’ve been applying your challenges and guidence to decluttering, I’ve found I’ve become more intentional in my shopping; saving clutter, money, and added bonus – time. Still have a ways to go but when I look back a year ago, I am impressed with myself! Much appreciation.


It’s one of the biggest benefits of significantly decluttering – you never want to shop again! 😉 LOL! Sooo glad to hear it Janet. xo, mridu


The online world makes it so much easier to shop! You don’t even have to get dressed or leave your bedroom. I feel your pain friend. Maybe call a friend when you have your next impulse?? Or set a budget (small budget that is) every week or month so you can still shop, but a limited amount. Keep at it Mary Louise. You’ll get there! 🙂


Sherie, I’m so impressed with you too! We don’t create habits over night so we shouldn’t expect to change our habits over night either. I’m proud of you. Keep it up! xo, m

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